24 Mar Healthy Drinks
Hi there 🙂
With this post I start a series of healthy tips regarding food and activities.
Since last year I spent a lot of my time and energy towards this direction, to a radical change.
I’ll start sharing the experiences that really worked for me, so these will be the ones that I can truly recommend.
Smoothies, delicious and nutritious drinks.
Since the beginning of this year, I made a habit out of replacing breakfast with a big glass of smoothie. And I love it because I have more energy and vitality than ever.
I started off with recipes that I just made up myself, using: spinach, lemon, fruits: strawberries/oranges, ginger, turmeric, mint, basil, cinnamon, vanilla extract.
Then, in my search of healthy food I found Lulora’s page which had (and still has) a 30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge.
Of course I started next day and now I’m at the end of the third week.
I fully recommend you this challenge since they send you great smoothie recipes together with helpful tips.
I also tried a lot of their recipes and I must say that they are super tasty!!!
Oh, and I forgot to say that all of this for free.
With the help of this program I experienced new combinations and new super foods like hemp seeds, spirulina, wheat grass powder, maca, etc
Now I will let you enjoy my favorite smoothies from Lulora’s program
and encourage you to try it as well.
Have a great day!!!! Hasta pronto! 🙂
Posted at 22:14h, 24 Marchgreat post ! love healthy juices!
Bernadette Czle
Posted at 02:18h, 25 Marchlooks so yummy! xx