04 Feb see you on Instagram
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photo source: www.pinterest.com/pin/225180050090436324 Christy Nicole Turlington Burns is an American super model. I thought of dedicating a post for Christy Turlington since we share a lot of common interest and she is a very inspirational person to me. She is involved in yoga, she practices Jivamukti Yoga, she...
Child Pose - Shishuasana Legs Up the Wall Pose - Viparita Karani Standing forward bend - Uttanasana ...
Entra en Facebook y participa! ॐ Quiero dar un regalo muy especial el día de mi cumpleaños, y por eso he querido organizar un sorteo entre todos vosotros Que hay que hacer para entrar en el sorteo??? 1.- Darle a “ME GUSTA” de la página de Facebook Yoga y Fotografía www.facebook.com/yogayfoto 2.-...
Hi guys, I would like to share a few pictures I took a couple of weeks ago of my yoga teacher. If you are interested in more of my professional yoga photography work you can find it at my Facebook page Yoga and Photo. Hola, Comparto con vosotros...
Viktor Cahoj and Devon Burns in their short film series called ¨Mornings¨ captured Krista Marie Starr, a yoga teacher, as she starts her day with tea and yoga. I start my day likewise, how do you start yours ? MORNINGS - Krista Marie Starr ~ Yoga...
Yoga retreat and photography My summer yoga holiday is getting closer and closer :D I just can´t wait to go to this yoga retreat,that will be held at a wonderful beach at the south of Spain. On this retreat I´ll be mixing up yoga and photography,...
Dody - Flow | may 2014 by Csikydody on Mixcloud ...
photo source : magicalpetals.tumblr.com ...