Take a look on my new page of photography. Yoga photography :) Echa un vistazo a mi nueva página de Facebook - Yoga y Fotografía :) ...
I am sharing with you the view of the sunrise at Cabo de Gata natural park near Almeria. I took theese photos before my morning Ashtanga Yoga practices, while I was on a Yoga Retreat there. ...
I enjoy to meditate quite often, and in order to be fully relaxed I wear comfy clothes like these pants from Olokuti or this top from Front Row Shop. Hope you enjoy the pics, Namaste "Es necesario sentarse en silencio aunque sea unos pocos minutos cada día y tratar...
Hi guys, I would like to share a few pictures I took a couple of weeks ago of my yoga teacher. If you are interested in more of my professional yoga photography work you can find it at my Facebook page Yoga and Photo. Hola, Comparto con vosotros...
Hi, I just got these photos back from the lab and I must say that film photography is great. The sensation of taking pictures of great moments, and enjoying these moments once again after the film has been developed is unique. I took this with my small...